Boekentip II Warm Your Healing Back Pain (the mind-body connection) by John E. Sarno
I read this book because I wanted to change things in my life and I tried so many things and it didn’t work. I got this tip from a fysio therapist and he said you must read this maybe this will help you. The approach is different then going to a fysio therapist and do some practices. This is a mind approach, mostly caused by suppressed anger. This is called TMS, Tension Myositus Syndroom. Unconsiously of course, because we learned as a child not to get angry. Really inspiring point of view.
Believe me I am still not pain free but the approach is different from fysic movement.
Deze stress veroorzaakt omkeerbare veranderingen in het lichaam die zich uiten in pijn in één of meerdere plaatsen in het lichaam. De naam hiervoor is TMS; Tension Myositus Syndroom (teveel stress syndroom). Een andere bekende naam hiervoor is het psycho-fysiologisch syndroom. Deze visie is ontwikkeld door vooruitstrevende internationale artsen en professoren. Must Read en tips hoe aan te pakken in simpele stappen (e-book werkte voor mij prima, wel engelse taal).
Warm Your hopes you got inspired! All the best.